Remote controls for cameras

   Sooner than later, any serious photographer will need a remote control for the camera.  In fact - after a tripod - it’s probably going to be any serious shooter’s first thing beyond top lenses and a speedlight and a bag to carry them.  Even if only to shoot headshots of yourself or Christmas photos of your family that will include you, you’ll all but need a remote.  And - if you’re shooting news or sports or wildlife with a camera mounted in a weird place, or with multiple cameras - you’ll need a remote.
   Basically, there are two kinds of remote shutter releases - and shutter releases are about all that a remote really can do at all well, since you need to know what’s going to be photographed when the dSLR clicks before you push that button and that really can’t be remoted!  
   The first - and by far the simplest and cheapest - is an infrared one like your TV set’s.  It has a range of about 16’ claimed - and must be designed for your model camera.  For most Canon dSLRs, Canon’s RC-6 (leftmost) is about $20 - and truly is the Keep It Simple Stupid remote, since nothing needs be attached to your dSLR.  Easily used - with either instant mode or two-second delay setting.  Only one quick, easy setting change on your camera.  And really, it’s perfect for shooting headshots or group photos you’ll be in - and where only one camera will be used by only one shooter in the area; it’s thin, lightweight, only one cheap battery and that battery’s found everywhere.
   The second - about $90-99 even for an aftermarket brand like Promaster (center and right) - is a two-piece radio one.  You mount the receiver on your camera’s shoe - and run the appropriate cable to the remote jack on your camera; be sure when buying this kind of remote that the thing’s cable will attach to your particular dSLR.  The transmitter has a short pull-out antenna - good for a range of 100’ - and both transmitter and receiver have user-settable codes, so your competitors don’t shoot your cameras and you don’t shoot theirs; it’s thus ideal for wildlife, news, and sports shooters.  For the Promaster, there are 16 user-settable possible codes.
   Remotes can let you produce the iconic every-hair-in-place movie-poster-look photos using the camera(s) mounted securely easily.  Or the sports photo picked from a dozen cameras all triggered at once.
   But which is better?  I have both - and have used both.  And, really, that cheap infrared one’s my choice most all of the time - because it’s so simple to set up and use, because it doesn’t interfere with mounting a speedlight, etc.

Canon RC-6 infrared remote (top left); Promaster radio remote (center and lower right).
Both are great.